Tue, Dec 12
Call for papers for a special issue of Espaces et Société:
Important facts: When? March 25, 2024 To? virginie.baby-collin@univ-amu.fr ; florence.bouillon@gmail.com ; hichamjmd@gmail.com ; nora.nafaa@gmail.com
Timing and location
Dec 12, 2023, 6:27 PM – Mar 25, 2024, 11:50 PM
About the event
More info:
"The theme of this issue pursues questions that the journal Espaces et Sociétés has previously raised about the relationship between educational and territorial dynamics. Its originality will therefore consist in documenting the way in which neoliberal dynamics, which run through the education sector from primary to higher education, are contributing to the creation of contemporary spaces, both in peripheral areas and in central urban ones - as well as in spaces created specifically for education, such as campuses or emerging educational hubs, for example in Asia and the Middle East. It will also look at how educational models are internationalized and circulate in this process, between primary, secondary and higher education, between public and private, between North and South, without presupposing that this circulation is unidirectional".